IPC Call Recording2023-11-02T16:02:40+00:00

IPC Unigy System Call Recording

Exacom’s HindSight logging recorders are certified with the IPC Unigy Platform. This integration enables Unigy voice communications and associated metadata to be captured, archived, organized, and replayed within the Exacom HindSight recording solutions to meet risk-mitigation needs within the utilities and trading securities markets.

Recording IPC Unigy Phone Systems

Exacom’s recording solutions work with customers’ Unigy platform regardless of how the Unigy system is configured.

IPC Call Recording
Record IPC Unigy phones

So Much More Than a Box of Recordings

Cost-Savings | FLexibility | Scalability

To protect your organization and leverage real insights, you need to record communications wherever they happen. You also need to be able to flexibly access those recordings and information. Our solutions are uniquely engineered for these complex situations.

Distributed Multimedia & Voice Logging Recorders

Let’s Build Your Customized Recording Solution, Today