Engineering a Better 9-1-1
I’m going to say something, and I apologize in advance to whoever is reading this that doesn’t share my sentiments: I’m a second-generation, bleeds-blue-and-silver [...]
It Takes Two: A QA/QI Love Story
Quality Assurance (QA) in the Emergency Communications Center (ECC) is like a mirror, reflecting back our strengths and weaknesses, our wins and our [...]
[Webinar] Lead the Way: Be the Leader You Needed!
Free Webinar for ECC Leaders Samantha Hawkins & Dru Clarke Download to listen on-demand for free now! As the supreme of the [...]
Letter to a New 9-1-1 Supervisor
Dear New 9-1-1 Supervisor, How are you doing? How are you feeling? Did you manage to grab breakfast this morning? And no, if [...]
How to Lose a 9-1-1 Trainee in 6 Ways
Remember the movie How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days starring Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson? I was thinking about it the [...]
You Make It, You Own It!
I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve emphasized to trainees the importance of using every tool and resource available when taking calls [...]
The Truth About Why We Stay
Nine years ago I sat in orientation with six other individuals in my class signing paperwork and learning about this new, rewarding profession that [...]
The Truth About Why We Leave
A while ago, I made a rather major decision in my life. I resigned as a trainer and communications officer from the PSAP [...]
The Other Next Gen 911: What Newer Generations Bring to the 911 Industry
As I write this article, I happen to be watching the 2022 movie about Whitney Houston and her rise to stardom. Whitney is [...]
Titles Don’t Make the Dispatcher
Oh yes, you most certainly did read that title right! Titles do not make the dispatcher, and I have breaking BONUS news for [...]
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