We wanted to know: what do communications centers HATE about their logging recorder systems and vendors? So we surveyed over 2,400 organizations. And we got some interesting responses.

Q. What do you hate most about your logging recorder SYSTEM?

A. Confusing, Clunky Software

Confusing, Clunky Software

We surveyed folks about software, deployment options like on-prem and cloud, redundancy, uptime, integrations, and more. The biggest challenges, by far, were software issues. Sixty-five percent (65%) of the responses indicated that they hated some aspect of the recording software. Considering this is the part of the logging recorder they interact with the most, this isn’t surprising, but it is disappointing that Logging Recorder vendors can’t provide a better software experience.

Voice Recording Systems

Q. What do you hate most about your logging recorder COMPANY?

A. Bad Customer Support

Bad Customer Support

Out of all the votes and comments we received, issues pertaining to Customer Support were the most-hated… making up about 50% of all responses.

“Things take forever to move, and the lack of communication is horrendous.”

Those who responded mentioned specifically having difficulty when faced with having to interact only through Resellers. Others voiced issues about “No training of any kind given at time of installation”.

Final Thoughts

The two biggest issues that our respondents reported were related to Software and Customer Support. Reading in-between the lines, logging recorder vendors are, by and large, selling old and outdated software solutions to Public Safety agencies. In addition, these vendors are not giving agencies the proper support they need in order to find/access those recordings and make changes to their system. To make the situation more challenging, agencies are often made to work through Resellers to resolve issues.

Published On: February 27th, 2023Categories: Purchasing & Evaluating New Solutions WiselyTags: , , , ,
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